An overview of the image datasets produced by the iMagine use cases
...iMagine Featured on ERCIM News

iMagine has been featured in the ERCIM News special issue on Large Scale Data Analytics.
ERCIM is the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics and has the objective to contribute to a leading role of Europe in ICT.
ERCIM News is the magazine of ERCIM. It reports on the joint actions of the ERCIM partners and aims to reflect the contribution made by ERCIM to the European Community in Information Technology.
The special issue aimed to showcase large-scale data analytics applications across various sectors, industries, and societal challenges. In this context, we highlighted iMagine's innovative assets and how iMagine boosts aquatic science research by enhancing image analysis. In particular, we provided details on the iMagine AI Platform for developing AI-based image analysis services; AI services for 12+ aquatic research problems developed by the use cases; the dataset collection of labelled images for AI training; and the best practices for aquatic image analysis with AI developed within the Competence Centre.