Updated 05/04/2024
EGI2024: Call for Abstracts is Open!
The call for abstracts for the upcoming EGI2024 conference is now open. The conference will take place in Lecce, Italy, from September 30 to October 4, 2024.
In the call, EGI2024 is accepting different contribution types (short and long talks, posters, and demonstrations) across a wide range of topics.
Deadline: April 25th, 2024
Contribution types:
- Short Talk (max. 10 mins): when accepted, your talk will be added to the agenda of the appropriate session
- Long talk (max 20 mins): when accepted, your talk will be added to the agenda of the appropriate session
- Poster: format A0, will be displayed throughout the conference + dedicated networking during opening reception + 1’ pitch presentation opportunity
- Demonstration (max 30’): demonstrations showing a service, tool, or product + with dedicated networking during opening reception + 1’ pitch presentation opportunity