AI-imaging in aquatic sciences

The selected use cases in iMagine tackle topics such as Pollution (Litter, Noise, Oil spills, Seagrass, Freshwaters), Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Ecosystems. They strive to create awareness, engage citizens, and increase scientific knowledge, research and technology, in addition to using non-invasive methods for monitoring the aquatic environments.

Discover them all!

Project Use Cases

Aquatic Litter Drones

Mature use case led by DFKI


Mature use case led by Sorbonne Université

Oil Spill Detection

Mature use case led by CMCC

FlowCam phytoplankton identification

Mature use case led by VLIZ

Underwater Noise Identification

Prototype use case led by VLIZ

Beach Monitoring

Prototype use case led by SOCIB

Freshwater diatoms identification

Prototype use case led by
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Environnements Continentaux of the Université de Lorraine


External Use Cases

Cold Water Coral Reefs

External Use Case led by IEO-CSIC

Fish Otoliths

External Use Case led by DTU Aqua Denmark

Satellite-derived Bathymetry

External Use Case led by ICMAN-CSIC
